POSO River Dredging Equipment Signed

[December 6, Shanghai] PT. POSO ENERGY from Indonesia reached a contract with our company for the procurement of equipment for the POSO River dredging project. According to the contract plan signed by both parties, the first phase of POSO River dredging project will purchase a series of dredging equipment, aimed at improving the ecological environment and water resource conditions at the mouth of POSO River and lake.

According to the contract, the equipment procurement for the POSO River Dredging Phase I Project mainly includes the following aspects: Firstly, it is planned to purchase a 12 inch dredger with a dredging capacity of 1200 cubic meters per hour to ensure fast and efficient river dredging operations. Secondly, a multifunctional work vessel will be procured to provide necessary support and assistance to the work fleet. In addition, the contract also includes the procurement of two relay pumping stations to ensure that the dredging scope is expanded to further distances.

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The signing of the POSO River Dredging Project marks a new level of cooperation between the two parties. The implementation of this project will help improve the water resources situation in the POSO River Basin, enhance water resource utilization efficiency, and bring better quality of life and development opportunities to local residents.

Both parties will adhere to the principle of win-win cooperation and strictly fulfill their respective responsibilities and obligations in accordance with the contract to ensure the smooth implementation of the project. Our company will fully leverage our technological and experience advantages to contribute to the successful implementation of the POSO River dredging project, strive to exceed customer expectations, and make positive contributions to the water conservancy engineering field in Indonesia.

Regarding X-dredger

X-dredger is a leading enterprise with rich experience and professional knowledge in the field of dredging equipment. We are committed to providing customers with high-quality dredging equipment and solutions to meet their needs in dredging, water resource management, and environmental protection. Our team is composed of technical experts and engineers, with rich industry knowledge and practical experience. We will continue to strive for innovation, provide customers with the best solutions, and promote the development of water conservancy engineering globally.

For further understanding of our company and its business, please contact our customer service team.


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