POSO River Dredging Project

XDREDGER » POSO River Dredging Project


The Poso is a river of Central Sulawesi on Sulawesi island, Indonesia, about 1600 km northeast of the capital Jakarta. The Poso is approximately 100 km long and flows from Lake Poso, about 2 km west of the town of Tentena to the city of Poso and then into the Gulf of Tomini.

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For a long time, residents along Poso river live on the river, fish in the river and use the river to irrigate farmland. Where Poso river is close to the lake mouth, the river surface is relatively wide, the river drop is small, and the flow velocity is slow. For a long time, the sediment deposition at the bottom of the river has been formed, resulting in the corresponding reduction of river runoff and storage capacity. Whenever the rainy season comes, the lake water flowing into the estuary threatens the personal and property safety of local residents because it cannot be released in time.

Since the 21st century, in order to improve the shortage of power resources in central Sulawesi, Pt Relying on the abundant hydraulic resources of Poso River, Poso energy has developed Poso II and Poso I hydropower stations about 20km away from the upstream estuary, with a total installed capacity of 515mw. With the start-up of each hydropower station unit, clean hydraulic resources are converted into electric energy and sent to thousands of households along the transmission line.

Necessity of river dredging

  1. Dredging the river channel can increase the runoff of the river and ensure that the hydropower station can also have sufficient water resources for power generation in the dry season.
  2. After dredging, the capacity of the river channel increases. When the rainy season flood comes, it can digest part of the flood and reduce the threat of flood to the situation on both sides of the river.
  3. The silt produced by dredging can improve the nutrient composition of farmland on both sides of the river.
  4. Dredging the river can improve the living environment of local residents and make people live in harmony with nature.

Equipment requirements for river dredging

Due to the different water depths and widths of the dredged river sections, there are many landforms such as wetlands and swamps. According to the working conditions of the project site, we provide the owner with the following equipment configuration:

  • Suction dredgers (2units): the dredging capacity is 2000 m3 / h, the excavation depth is 12 meters and the conveying distance is 1500 meters, providing continuous dredging power for the project;
  • Relay pump stations (2units): the dredging capacity is 2000 m3 / h, the conveying distance is 1500 meters, and the sludge conveying distance is extended to 3000 meters;
  • Excavator platforms (12units): with a load of 35 tons, carrying excavators for dredging in shallow water;
  • Amphibious excavator (1unit): dredging in river swamp;
  • Workboats (1units): provide materials and manual transportation for dredging ships and excavator platforms, and provide power for mud barges.

Dredging site

River channel effect after dredging

dredging case 6
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